Saturday, July 21, 2007

Well it has been a few days since my last posting. Jennifer left me a voice message asking me what my intentions were for Ali's mouth piece. Now this is a woman that had me arrested on this childs birthday and I got away. Now my queston was to Jennifer how much would she be getting if I were in jail as she wanted me to be. The answer would be she would be getting no money at all if that were the case. So I told her to expect what she would be getting.

Monday, July 16, 2007

This Morning I received an email from Jennifer, It is amazing that she takes and takes and takes everything except any resonsibility. Here is the email I got. And my response. She had paid nothing on Ali's bill either and had not said one word to me. I hav paid this woman $680 dollars since July 2nd.
[SPAM] The Dentist....
From:"Jennifer Hamblin" <>
Date:Sun, Jul 15, 2007 10:56 pm
Ok, tell me how to get out of this one......
You contact the girls dentist office after 6 months of not paying anything on Alli's bill, and inform them you wil be calling back with a credit card number to pay them in full.You didn't do that. They contact me wondering what happened to the promised payment from you? Told them that was their fault and don't they remember who has been paying the bill since January? That doesn't matter tothem, they were told they had $180 coming.
THEN ironically, out of the blue, your son calls my cell telling me that you emailed him and told him to bring me $180 for Alli's bill so she can get her appliance removed. Shane proceeds to tell me he doesn't know where you are and he hasn't talked to you in a long time, yet he is willing to do this for you? Doesn't add up. He tells me he will get the money to me. I tell the dentist that it is supposedly on its way from you, via your son. Then Shane tells me he has all this money and doesn't need anyones help and that I'd have it in a couple of days. Then he calls to say he was mailing it. So, I get back to Georgetown tonight expecting it to be in my mailbox, but no, fooled again.
Why? Why involve Shane? Why call the dentist office after not being involved since January? Why create issues that now has created a situation. So since you chose to do all this, why not email Shane back and ask if he can just bring this so called payment of $180 to me? Especially since he has all this $ now and you and he don't speak yet he is so willing to do this just because. Therefore, I can go staight to the dentist office tomorrow. Thank you.

He lifted me out of the slimy pit... he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sales are going well, however the install crew is backed up and I am being limited to how many sales I can do per day. This is going to hold my earning ability to a lower level. I am now researching craigslist again for more opportunities. TW is going to be a good part time. I have contacted a couple of good leads for other income as well.

Talked with Shane and he appears to be happy with his job and training. He says this is the most comprehensive training he has ever done. I hope it works out for him. He is helping me a lot just by being there. I know no one here of course and often am very lonely.

I am on a new life now and have decided to Travel to many places. Think I will stay here till Christmas and then move on to some other place I have always wanted to see.

Jennifer she admitted to Shane that he was right about Dr. Snodgrass but then preceeded to lie about my card being declined when trying pay the bill. She is something else, he every move is to demean me anyway she can.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Yesterday was a good day went and started checking on contract contacts and found them to be extremely receptive. I contacted Sherry at the office of Dr. Snodgrass.
"Ali" She told me she had left Jennifer a voicemail that it was extremely important for her to call. She had received no word from Jennifer at all. I really would like to get the mouthpiece out of Ali.
  • Goals- Looking at my schedule by Christmas it looks as though I will have some money laid back for what I need. I will work every day with little recreational time to achieve what I need. I simply could not bring myself to be in this situation by laying in Jail.

Monday, July 9, 2007

What I will miss most is the my time with the Girls. It was always wonderful to wake up beside them and look at their beauty. I know in my heart this is killing me more than them. I love you both very much and we will be together again without the pressures that hung over us leading to what happen. There is more to be seen by going for today update. Click Here for more about today.
It is another day of opportunity to do something good for someone. Anybody but myself. Stay on the run far what from what a normal person calls freedom. I'm still on my feet and off my knees where Jennifer wants me. Sorry Jennifer "no white flag plans today either." Eyes open at 5:16 AM. As usual the girls are the first thing on my mind. It is silent in my room and of course nothing is unusal about that. God is talking to me. He assures that the girls are okay. And someday I will see them. I just want them to know I love them. Got on the internet today and found Ali's dentist. I will call them and get the status on her mouthpiece and see if there is a balance paying it if so. Got to get up with some clients and start getting arrangements made for them getting their signs. I dread it, but they will be okay and lose no money. They will just have to go through some hassle that they sound not have to. Getting ready to head to Kinko's and print maps of my travels today. Don't know anything about this place. Have and appointment at 9:30 am for contract 1099 sales. It is temperary as everthing else in my life. Officer Davis came by yesterday when some people were clearing out the furniture. He knocked on the door and spoke to Roger. He stated "you talked to Randy today havn't you?" Roger said yes. The officer said he saw some furniture being moved and asked if it was mine. Roger said yes he sold it. The officer said how did he sell it? Roger said he didn't know. The office stated that I was jeapordising my family and friends. I don't know how that could be. Tell me how anybody benefits from my being locked up. People lose their money that has been paid to me and how can I help my girls from jail. I'm no deadbeat and that is easy to prove. Going to jail symbolizes the opposite. That I am a no good no conscious person. I will risk everything to do what I believe is right. Jennifer will not decide for me what those girls need.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Steve Hamblin
Another dinner by myself. My only company is my trusted computer. I have no dignity left anyway. I posted to Steves site today and there is much to go yet. I gave 13 years of my life having 2 children "at my age" for this woman. I loved her as much as you think you do. You are going to learn the truth, because now it is to late for you to do anything about it. She will start crying and tell you she wouldn't blame you for leaving feeling sorry for her and you will be her strength. It is really not her fault. I believe her to be sick. Did you help her set me up on Alis brithday? Do you think any man derserves that? Even me. What man could pay a $1500 a month child support when he was living day by day. I am old and can not get a job earning that kind of money. She would accept $1,000 per month sitting back waiting to pull the trigger at any moment.
Money for the GIRLS!
Got to get up with Shane and get him some money for the girls. Ali has had a mouth device for months to adjust and overbite. It is time to come out. I am prepared to have it removed but only with the money going straight for this. Jennifer does not have to account for spending as far as any money given to her. She always has been dressing nice, A new car. The girls were enrolled in private schools, because that is what Jennifer wanted! The education is no better and she knows it. She is angry because Shane went to private school and she wants the same for here girls that Shane had. But you when tell me that Sloan wanted to eat at Wendy's and she had no money this angered me when she receives at least a $1000.00 per month form me.
It was good to talk to you. Thanks for calling. Of course I can't tell you what it is like to be alone in a place looking over your shoulder every moment. I hope you visit this site often as I intend to update it often. I will be talking to you shortly and often I hope. Our short time together as been seems like just one long bond. Take care my friend. You asjed me if Jennifer was going to be advised of this blog and the answer is of course.
Our Legal System
I was listening to the radio this morning . A cop was talking about our judicial system in the United States. Intimidation and illegal means are being used every day by corrupt and power hungry judges and politicians. Did you that know here in the United States we have 4% of the population but 24% of the nations prisoners. Whats up with that? Do you think there are any decent people behind bars? Here is a man running and hiding so he can do the right thing by customers and his children. His best is not good enough. He can't aford to fight finacially. By going to jail he comes out after everyone is hurt by his lock up. He will be free because he paid his debt to society. Not true, he paid his debt to some power hungry judge and the person that simply wanted to see him behind bars. Innocent people got burned because of this judge. My divorce judge in Nashville TN Judge Carol Soleman, was going to lock me up with no questions. Such comments has "bring your tooth brush are not cute Judge" we are looking for justice, not comedy. I had made no criminal contempt until now. I was paying as much as I could at least a $1,000 a month. Trying as hard as I could. Your harshness is what led to contempt. You would allow me to tell you my side of the story. You sent me out to be pushed around by Allen Barrett, Jennifers attorney. He snicked to me to go hit another lick somewhere. I had hit to many licks and to many people where at risk when getting involved in my desperation. You had made it clear. Your intimidation caused me to run and hide until I at least get my affairs inline. I know I will pay for this but my children and the people that trusted me will not. I choke everytime I hear something of the Judge that has sued a Dry Cleaners for 60 million dollars over a pair of pants. Believe or not this world is full of many examples of abuse of power.